Tusa has produced 2 new masks; The Zensee and the Paragon. These masks are in the forefront of innovation by Tusa, both containing a sleuth of patents that make these masks ultra comfortable and safe.
The blue lens is not just for looks! It is a UV Treatment that protects the wearer from both harmful UV and HEV light! The lens is also treated with Tusa’s AR Technology, which decreases internal and external reflections, and enhances the light transmission, colour, clarity and contrast of the underwater viewing experience. To top it off, the lens is CrystalView Optical Glass, which will deliver up to 95% of available light for the crispiest, clearest vision!
Our personal experience with the Zensee and the Paragon is an unanimous yes! We found that the lens makes the viewing experience extraordinarily clear and comfortable. The mask makes the harsh sunlight very easy on the eyes and the colour under the water is gorgeous and relaxing.
The Paragon is available is both Single and Dual lens designs and the Zensee is our top recommended mask for wide faces!