
Here you will find adult swimming goggles and children swimming goggles for recreational swimming in the pool or at the beach.

Our range of swimming goggles feature non-scratch, anti-fog and anti-shatter lenses, micrometric adjustable buckles for easy adjustment, quality silicone and TPR to fit your face shape.

Swim Goggles are an essential piece of equipment for anyone spending time in the water, whether that be for swimming, snorkelling, or other activities.

They are great for protecting your eyes from the damaging effects of both ultraviolet (UV) rays and chemical exposure. UV rays can be especially harmful to the eyes, leading to conditions like photokeratitis or pterygium, both of which can cause eye discomfort and vision problems.

Swimming Goggles are made of materials that filter out the UV rays, blocking them from your eyes, while also providing a barrier against any potential chemical exposure.

Additionally, they help to keep your eyes moist, as well as keep out things like dirt, dust, and other debris.

Have an extra look at our Selene swim goggles.

The Tusa Selene swimming goggles are an innovative swimming mask designed to fit the unique contours and shape of a female face. It features an ergonomic frame that is specially crafted to fit the contours of a woman’s face, allowing for a comfortable and secure fit.

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